News 2021

11/5/2021 - Kory publishes two first author manuscripts

Congratulations to Kory, who has published two first author manuscripts this month. The first article reports a new method for fabrication of quantum dots from 2D materials and was published in Nanotechnology. The second paper investigates the radiation stability of doped nanoparticles and was published in Crystals. Well done, Kory!

9/16/2021 - Congratulations to Thaddeus on his first manuscript!

Thad's first author article on the role Zr content plays in constituent redistribution in U-Pu-Zr fuels has been published in Journal of Nuclear Materials! This is the first of several publications we have in preparation. Stay tuned!

18/23/2021 - MANATEE Group is excited to welcome new group members!

Manatee group is expanding and we are excited to welcome undergraduate students joining us this fall. We are excited to have you on board, Kaylee Cunningham (NE), Talianna Ulloa (ECE), and Hannah Baradon (MAE)!

18/6/2021 - Charlyne graduates and accepts a position at Idaho National Laboratory

Huge shoutout to Dr. Charlyne Smith, who is now a Seaborg distinguished postdoc at INL! We are looking forward to your future accomplishments and wish you best of luck!

6/22/2021 - Exciting new collaboration!

The U.S. Department of Energy awarded $61 million to advance 99 nuclear technology projects in 30 states. The most exciting one for us is the project 21-24006 "High-fidelity modeling of fuel-to-coolant thermomechanical transport behaviors under transient conditions" led by Dr. Watson, because Dr. Aitkaliyeva and her students get to collaborate with his group. The objective of the proposal is to develop a high-fidelity modeling tool that can capture some of the important phenomena in high burnup UO2 and ATF fuels during transient conditions.

6/8/2021 - NSUF awards rapid turnaround experiment research proposals

Congratulations to Casey for receiving Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) rapid turnaround experiment (RTE) funding! RTEs offer researchers the opportunity to perform quick analysis of a small number of samples. Casey's proposal "Assessing the Radial Thermal Conductivity Change in FBR MOX Fuel" has been selected from a large pool of proposals submitted by national laboratories and US universities. Well done! Full list of awarded projects can be accessed here.

6/4/2021 - Congratulations to Dr. Charlyne Smith

for successfully defending her PhD thesis! Well done!

6/4/2021 - Congratulations to Thad Rahn

for successfully passing his oral proposal defense on U-Pu-Zr fuels. He has officially advanced into doctoral candidacy!

4/21/2021 - Check out the Nuclear Reactions web series 

Charlyne is featured in the episode 10 of the "Nuclear Reactions" series from the Nuclear Energy and National Security Coalition. In this interview, Charlyne discusses the compatibility of nuclear and renewables, the importance of nuclear education and public awareness in the developing world, and the role of nuclear in the upcoming COP26 climate negotiations. The episode can be found here:

4/15/2021 - Congratulations to Kory for receiving an award from the Molecular Foundry!

Kory's proposal titled "Light-tunable polaritons in CdSe/CdS quantum dots" has been awarded by the Molecular Foundry. Molecular Foundry is supported by the Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) through their Nanoscale Science Research Center (NSRC) program. We are excited to work with Foundry staff scientists. 

3/15/2021 - Charlyne's paper is accepted and published in Journal of Nuclear Materials!

Charlyne's manuscript on the microstructural dependence of fuel matrix composition in irradiated fuels is now available online. We characterized the evolution of the fission gas pores and fuel matrix interaction in U-Mo fuels and studied the contribution of Mo composition, fission power, and temperature on microstructural evolution during irradiation. 

2/11/2021 - Tanvi's paper is accepted and published in Journal of Nuclear Materials!

Tanvi's manuscript on hardening mechanisms and size effects in proton-irradiated HT-9 steels is now available online. We demonstrate relaxation of HT9 under irradiation at the microscale, which first led to hardening and then to noticeable softening of the steel. 


News 2022


News 2020